Waimea Water
Building water security for our region’s future
Overview from upstream.
Thrustblock reinforcing around intake pipes
View from downstream.
Welding reinforced rockfill face mesh.
Right hand plinth progress (also showing the two intake pipes on culver roof)
Reinforced rockfill and lower spillway excavation progress.
Reinforced rock fill progress (working on layer 14, RL161.4)
Overview of reinforced rockfill, looking upstream from spillway.
Placing 3P drainage material in the middle section of embankment immediately upstream of Reinforced Rock Fill.
Placing 3C material on reinforced rockfill layer 13 (RL160.4)
Placing 3C (bulk fill material directly cut from spillway) on reinforced rockfill layer 14
Placing 3B bulk fill material on reinforced rockfill layer 14 (RL 161.4)
Overview of the whole embankment footprint (looking downstream)
Pouring concrete in the thrust block.
Plan view of the whole dam footprint.
Overview of embankment filling, looking upstream from reinforced rockfill.
General overview of the whole work area (mainly showing reinforced rockfill placement and spillway excavation)
Embankment foundation treatment with mass concrete in defect area.
Embankment filling progress in the middle section of embankment.
Embankment foundation treatment with mass concrete in defect area (downstream of starter dam)
Embankment filling in the middle section (drainage material Zone 3P and 4)